Thursday, July 25, 2019

¿My experience writing blogs?

Hi everyone! this was my first blog that i've written, and was too funny to search somethings of my life with all of you.
I never thought that one day i would share things that happen in my life with my classmates, people that hardly ever thalk with me.

But well, this was funny and interesting read your posts too.

I feel that my skills in english are better than before, because i discovered words that i didn't know their meaning, or how to say something. Also this experience helped me to know you better.
If we keep doing this kind of blog, i would others themes for our blogs, like our worst nightmares or greates idols in any subject.

I think that some of my blogs was expose my personal life a bit, because i never talked about my frustrated dreams before, or show any photo of me, because i hate take me pictures, but well, i didn't worried of that because you know me, all you are my classmates doesn't metter too much for me.

Of all of my blogs, my favourite was when i talked about my favourite picture, because this blog was about my cat, and i love her so much. I love to see photos of my cat, she's like my baby because is my first pet that i have. I love this picture and when i wrote this blog, it makes me smile for like...two hours.

Well, i wish the best of lucks to all of you in your exams and "PRE" if you have to take one. See you on Thursday and Friday!

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The windows of our souls.

Hi! A few days ago i heard at someone say that our eyes are the windows of our souls, then i start to think about this. I never proceeded how amazing and important are our eyes, until now.

Why all this? Well, just think about blinded people, that they cannot see what they have in front of them, they cannot see the colour of all. People like us, that have the possibility of seeing our around, can watch TV, read books or comics, can see what are drawing, with who are talking, how the food that they're eating looks, and so many amazing things.

Our eyes give us the possibility of perceive the light by the reflection of this on the surfaces, transforming the light in electrical signals (nerve impulses) that go from the retina to the brain. Eyes are localized in the head, obviously in our faces over the nose and under our eyebrows. Human eyes have 2,5 cm of diameter approximately.

The retina have a terminal structures, two type of photoreceptors cells: rod and cone cells, and cone cells help us to see the colours.

Typical illness in their eyes are myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, colour blindness, and others that difficult our capacity of see. Many of this illness are not evitable, like colour blindness that is hereditary, but other like myopia can be reverted wearing special glasses. Others like hyperopia or presbyopia can appear in old age and can be evitable with use of more light at the moment of study or read.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Organic Chemistry Lab

Hi! Today i will talk about my favourite subject, until now.

Well, my favourite subject is the organic chemistry laboratory. It's hard to explain why i like this subject, because some people hate it. I like it because i love chemistry and watch how things happen, things that teachers teach us in organic chemistry (the theory subject) and we can do it by ourselves.

We have laboratory once a week, and we have to study the laboratory of the day, in the previous day. I mean, if i have the laboratory in Monday, i have to study this laboratory in Sunday.
It's so funny and interesting to me, because we have to do different things like separation of liquid compounds by extraction with a decanting funnel, synthesis of different compounds from another with other properties by different reactions, like acetylation, nucleophilic substitution, electrophilic substitution for aromatic compounds, and others.

And in the end of the class we have to hand in a report of the previous laboratory. We have one week to make the report of this-day laboratory. We are 30 students in my group (or section), with two teacher and three assistants (for the teacher), and at least in my group, teachers and assistants are very friendly and very good to help us in our doubts, and this is too important because if you don't understand something of the laboratory and the teacher don't know how to explain you, you can make a mess.

In this class we start with a little theoric introduction of what reaction we will make, how it happens and what is happening in what moment of the laboratory, but after is only practice. As we have to study previously at the day of the laboratory, we have to know what to do in all laboratory. We have to be carefully too, because if you break something, the teacher will reduce your mark.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

(a) A Forgotten Genius

Hi guys!I've always asked myself "what would happen if i had practiced my studying skills more years before?", because when i was child, i was very intelligent (according to people who knew me at this age) but my parents stop to stimulate my brain because they say that i was going to get bored in the school. Could i've been as intelligent as an important scientist? I don't know, but since i discovery the name of Nikola Tesla, i want his brain, because he was a really brilliant mind.

Tesla posing like a flirty boy

Who was Nikola Tesla? He was an american physicist, born in Smiljan, now in Croatia (July 10th of 1856), and died in New York, US (January 7th of 1943). After work in many electrical industries on Paris and Budapest, he started to work for Thomas Edison, who was a supporter of electrical current. 

Then, after a discussion with him, Tesla start to work with George Westinghouse in the alternating current delivery, and other things about the electricity in general, making artifacts that helped the world to use the alternating current to it benefit. 

This artifacts were his most important inventions. But, his most famous invention was the "Tesla Coil", that consist in a coil that can shoot rays, generate electron winds and send current to the human body, from a capacitor.

Another of his inventions, "increase transmitter"

I admire him a lot because, although people considered him a stupid crazy, he kept doing all this inventions for all. Although people steal some of his inventions, he kept doing his investigations, and this is love for the science.