Thursday, July 18, 2019

The windows of our souls.

Hi! A few days ago i heard at someone say that our eyes are the windows of our souls, then i start to think about this. I never proceeded how amazing and important are our eyes, until now.

Why all this? Well, just think about blinded people, that they cannot see what they have in front of them, they cannot see the colour of all. People like us, that have the possibility of seeing our around, can watch TV, read books or comics, can see what are drawing, with who are talking, how the food that they're eating looks, and so many amazing things.

Our eyes give us the possibility of perceive the light by the reflection of this on the surfaces, transforming the light in electrical signals (nerve impulses) that go from the retina to the brain. Eyes are localized in the head, obviously in our faces over the nose and under our eyebrows. Human eyes have 2,5 cm of diameter approximately.

The retina have a terminal structures, two type of photoreceptors cells: rod and cone cells, and cone cells help us to see the colours.

Typical illness in their eyes are myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, colour blindness, and others that difficult our capacity of see. Many of this illness are not evitable, like colour blindness that is hereditary, but other like myopia can be reverted wearing special glasses. Others like hyperopia or presbyopia can appear in old age and can be evitable with use of more light at the moment of study or read.

1 comment:

  1. SUCH AN AMAZING TOPIC YOU`VE CHOSEN! we human beings use vision more than other senses, it seems like all the theoretical constructions of the world are more visual than other thing
