Friday, October 18, 2019

Post-graduate courses

The last blog i was talking...or writing about my future job, and i mentioned that i would like to get a PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences to do researches and other things.

Well, I want to get this PhD, but I'm not sure if i could get it or not in the future, because i want to get it here, in the University of Chile, but i don't know if in the future my marks would be good. Also i don't know if in the future i would like a PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences. If i want to get this PhD in the future and my marks don't give me the scholarship to study, i will study more english to try to become a bilingual, and go to other country and study in there.

Probably in this time i will be working, so i don't know if i will have the time to study all the week, so i think that i will study in a part-time system. I don't know what are the subjects in this degree, but I would like to have a subject that explain better how is the specificity of receptors for some neurotransmitters, why make this kind of effect, and different organics components that make the same effect and why.

I would like to do this course because i want to research about new components for new medicaments that acts against different illness incurables at present, and try to sell it at the less price possible, research about the DNA of all people to make the personalized medication real, and give to the people the best health possible, because all of us have different DNA, and all of us react different to a same drug or medicine. However, if I don't get a job with this degree, i just will stay working in an hospital (i suppose this job).

Friday, October 11, 2019

My future job

Hi! I was thinking about my future, and the fact that I'm in my second year of university, and what i will do in the future when I will graduate.
I don't have a good idea of what i will do exactly, but I would like to work in an hospital as a clinical pharmacist.
This is similar to be a doctor, but pharmacist don't  operate on the patient, or look after a patient, so is an indoor job.

Pharmacist in an hospital can work in the internal pharmacy of an hospital to organize and teach the technician people to preparate medication in the corresponding doses of each patient. Also, they can work with doctors in a patient that would be hospitalized, and advise them (to the doctor) what medication can be more recomendable than other according to the needs, condition, or other facts of each patient, and the doctor will take the decision to prescribe.

The salary of this job depends in what the pharmacist do, where is working and how many time have passed since the pharmacist is graduated, and how many time have worked in this place. But, the average is about $1.010.000, and $1.500.000 here in Chile.

In general, this job just need the Pharmacist title, but I think i want to have a PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, to work in research of some new medicament, new components and things that could be better to treat some specific illness. In this case, the possibility of travel exist because researches in other countries, or attend conferences in other countries. If one day in the future I get a PhD in Pharmaceutical Sciences, i would like to work in a medical or pharmaceutical research of other country.

Friday, October 4, 2019

Movies and Series

Hi guys!
I'm not someone that watch too much series and movies, because I'm more of read manga, draw my comics (yes, I have an own comic) and watch videos in youtube or something, but I can say that one of the most funny movies that I had watched, and I think that some of you watched it too, is "Superbad", an american movie directed by Greg Mottola.

I really like this movie because i laughed too much watching this movie because I love comedy and stupid movies, and this is one of them.

This movie lasts 1 hour and 53 minutes, and is about two teenagers, Seth (Jonah Hill) and Evan (Michael Cera), who are in the last year of the high school, are best friends since they were kids, and never were popular. Then, they decided to go to parties, talk with the girls that they are in love, lose their virginity, all before they graduate. After, they meet a new friend, Fogell "McLovin" (Christopher Mintz-Plasse).

Jules, the girl who Seth is in love, invites them to her party, and they promise get alcohol and take it to the party. But they still are teenagers, so they try to get it with different strategies. Strategies that are the worst that they could did.

If you never watched this movie and you like the comedy and things like that, please, watch it.

Friday, September 27, 2019

My big fat cat

I have always liked cats, since I had four years, and i always was asking my parents for a cat, but they did not want one because my dad had bad experiences with cats, and my mom...she just don't care about it.
When was my twelfth birthday, I tried one more time asking for a cat again, and they finally say yes! I was so happy, because they had searched in different places kitties to foster, and find a veterinary that had some rescued cats, like mine.
My little kitty when was skinny

We adopted her when i was twelve years old and she was two months old.
Her name is Candy, like the character from the TV show "Club de la Comedia", "Guatona Candy" because when she was eating, her belly get more big than it was. Now, she make honor to her name, because she is very very fat.

We love her because she's weird, because sometimes she is relaxed or sleeping, and she start to run and slide in the rug suddenly (she loves it).

My fat cat some weeks ago with my dad
But very intelligent, because she knows that if she want some fresh water, she have to go to the bathroom, climb the washbasin and meow. When we go to the kitchen, she follow us and climb the countertop and meow asking for some treat. In her case, dried meat (charqui)

I think that if we never adopted her, she could been sacrificed or something like that, because people don't like cats too much. I think we never had seen a cat so intelligent and special as she.

Friday, September 13, 2019

The only, and the best concert of my life

I will talk about the best of the concert I went, and it's my first and only concert, to see my favourite music band (of this time) ONE OK ROCK.

This concert was in 2017, October 3rd, when I was in the last year of the school. It was in the "Coliseo" theatre, in Santiago. This theatre is closer than La Moneda, literally in front of this.
The band was my favourite band in this year, before I listened them new music, that I don't really like the style for them.

ONE OK ROCK is a Japanese rock band (J-rock) formed in 2005, and are four integrants, all Japanese. The majority of their music is in english and japanese at the same time, like one verse in english, and other in japanese. I known this group when I was 12 years old, I don't remember if it was in 2012 or 2013, but a friend show me one of their songs and I never stopped listen them.

I remember that I went with my boyfriend, who known the group because I show him when we was just friends, and the atmosphere was really energetic and funny because the music that they'd played was the best of "their classics" if you understand what I mean. I really enjoyed in this concert because saw them playing their own music in front of me was so exciting. We meet people in the queue up who we never see them again, staying for 4 hours.

Friday, September 6, 2019

A country i'd like to visit

Some days i'm wondering, "if i had a lot of money, what is the first thing that i would do?" And after think a lot of that, i decided to visit any country. I have interest in four countries: Japan, Italy, Russia and Germany, but the first that i'd like to visit is Japan.

Why Japan? So many people say that i'm an otaku because of this, but i did not watch any anime since 2014, and I don't know any recent anime.
I would like to visit Japan because i want to learn more of their culture, because they have the reputation of be really disciplined and respectful with all. But, i just want to visit Japan for a few days, like one or two weeks. I don't want to live in, or study or something in Japan, because i don't know how it works, and how i will talk with japanese people because almost nothing speak english.


Also i would like to try their food, and compare how much different is their original food than the japanese food that people make here, in Chile. That is because i have tried japanese dishes, like ramen (the typical noodle soup) , sushi, takoyaki (dough ball filled with octopus), and i want to know if they make them similar or the taste is totally different that i thought. I know by internet that their food is based in fish and vegetables, and some pork.

Other reason of why i want to visit Japan is because the landscapes of the different Japan's cities, like Kyoto and its more than 1000 temples, or Osaka that is called the gastronomic center of Japan by them. Last, Tokyo. If one day i go to Japan, i really would like to visit all this cities, and taste their local dishes.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

¿My experience writing blogs?

Hi everyone! this was my first blog that i've written, and was too funny to search somethings of my life with all of you.
I never thought that one day i would share things that happen in my life with my classmates, people that hardly ever thalk with me.

But well, this was funny and interesting read your posts too.

I feel that my skills in english are better than before, because i discovered words that i didn't know their meaning, or how to say something. Also this experience helped me to know you better.
If we keep doing this kind of blog, i would others themes for our blogs, like our worst nightmares or greates idols in any subject.

I think that some of my blogs was expose my personal life a bit, because i never talked about my frustrated dreams before, or show any photo of me, because i hate take me pictures, but well, i didn't worried of that because you know me, all you are my classmates doesn't metter too much for me.

Of all of my blogs, my favourite was when i talked about my favourite picture, because this blog was about my cat, and i love her so much. I love to see photos of my cat, she's like my baby because is my first pet that i have. I love this picture and when i wrote this blog, it makes me smile for like...two hours.

Well, i wish the best of lucks to all of you in your exams and "PRE" if you have to take one. See you on Thursday and Friday!

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The windows of our souls.

Hi! A few days ago i heard at someone say that our eyes are the windows of our souls, then i start to think about this. I never proceeded how amazing and important are our eyes, until now.

Why all this? Well, just think about blinded people, that they cannot see what they have in front of them, they cannot see the colour of all. People like us, that have the possibility of seeing our around, can watch TV, read books or comics, can see what are drawing, with who are talking, how the food that they're eating looks, and so many amazing things.

Our eyes give us the possibility of perceive the light by the reflection of this on the surfaces, transforming the light in electrical signals (nerve impulses) that go from the retina to the brain. Eyes are localized in the head, obviously in our faces over the nose and under our eyebrows. Human eyes have 2,5 cm of diameter approximately.

The retina have a terminal structures, two type of photoreceptors cells: rod and cone cells, and cone cells help us to see the colours.

Typical illness in their eyes are myopia, hyperopia, astigmatism, colour blindness, and others that difficult our capacity of see. Many of this illness are not evitable, like colour blindness that is hereditary, but other like myopia can be reverted wearing special glasses. Others like hyperopia or presbyopia can appear in old age and can be evitable with use of more light at the moment of study or read.

Thursday, July 11, 2019

Organic Chemistry Lab

Hi! Today i will talk about my favourite subject, until now.

Well, my favourite subject is the organic chemistry laboratory. It's hard to explain why i like this subject, because some people hate it. I like it because i love chemistry and watch how things happen, things that teachers teach us in organic chemistry (the theory subject) and we can do it by ourselves.

We have laboratory once a week, and we have to study the laboratory of the day, in the previous day. I mean, if i have the laboratory in Monday, i have to study this laboratory in Sunday.
It's so funny and interesting to me, because we have to do different things like separation of liquid compounds by extraction with a decanting funnel, synthesis of different compounds from another with other properties by different reactions, like acetylation, nucleophilic substitution, electrophilic substitution for aromatic compounds, and others.

And in the end of the class we have to hand in a report of the previous laboratory. We have one week to make the report of this-day laboratory. We are 30 students in my group (or section), with two teacher and three assistants (for the teacher), and at least in my group, teachers and assistants are very friendly and very good to help us in our doubts, and this is too important because if you don't understand something of the laboratory and the teacher don't know how to explain you, you can make a mess.

In this class we start with a little theoric introduction of what reaction we will make, how it happens and what is happening in what moment of the laboratory, but after is only practice. As we have to study previously at the day of the laboratory, we have to know what to do in all laboratory. We have to be carefully too, because if you break something, the teacher will reduce your mark.

Thursday, July 4, 2019

(a) A Forgotten Genius

Hi guys!I've always asked myself "what would happen if i had practiced my studying skills more years before?", because when i was child, i was very intelligent (according to people who knew me at this age) but my parents stop to stimulate my brain because they say that i was going to get bored in the school. Could i've been as intelligent as an important scientist? I don't know, but since i discovery the name of Nikola Tesla, i want his brain, because he was a really brilliant mind.

Tesla posing like a flirty boy

Who was Nikola Tesla? He was an american physicist, born in Smiljan, now in Croatia (July 10th of 1856), and died in New York, US (January 7th of 1943). After work in many electrical industries on Paris and Budapest, he started to work for Thomas Edison, who was a supporter of electrical current. 

Then, after a discussion with him, Tesla start to work with George Westinghouse in the alternating current delivery, and other things about the electricity in general, making artifacts that helped the world to use the alternating current to it benefit. 

This artifacts were his most important inventions. But, his most famous invention was the "Tesla Coil", that consist in a coil that can shoot rays, generate electron winds and send current to the human body, from a capacitor.

Another of his inventions, "increase transmitter"

I admire him a lot because, although people considered him a stupid crazy, he kept doing all this inventions for all. Although people steal some of his inventions, he kept doing his investigations, and this is love for the science.

Sunday, June 30, 2019

My fat cat

Hi again! I don't know how to start this post, but...well.
Sometimes i come back to my house after univeristy, and i'm feel so alone, because my parents are working. But it doesn't last too much time, because my cat always comes to the door to recive me.

My cat possing to me.

Her name is Candy, she is my fat cat, and we adopted her when she was two months, seven years ago. I still remember when she comes to our house at the first time, she was so tiny (in comparation of how is she now), shy and too much intelligent, because she arrived knowing where she should to do her needs.
Now, she's too fat and moody. Sometimes she's happy and want's to play, but suddenly she's angry and "hate" us. But we love her so much.

When is summer (or just is a hot weather), she sleeps in my parents room, and when is winter (or just is a cold weather) she sleeps with me. She's very smart, and when she's happy, she search us to pet her. I don't know what i'll do when she leave us.

Thursday, June 20, 2019

My favourite photograph.

Hi! Two weeks without a new blog.

Well, i was thinking about photographs that i like, and then i started to search some photographs or pictures that i save in my cell phone. I found too many pictures, drawns, photographs with my family, photograph of a landscape, and some photographs of my own drawns.

Then i found in a folder of my gallery, and was too many photographs of my cat that i don't remember i was taken in this! A few minutes passed and i found this picture of my cat that i love too much, because the position that my cat is in, is very funny to me. I laughed when i saw it.

My fat cat.

This picture was taken by me, with my previous cellphone (Samsung J5), on Dicember 16 of 2017.
I remember that i took this in a moment that i was playing with my cat, with a laser pointer. When i took out my cell phone to take a photo of her, in the just moment when i take a photo she started to scratch her ear!!
I laugh for a minutes because i just wanted to take a "normal photo" of her, and she just started to scratch her ear.
I really love this picture because is too funny her pose (at least for me).

Thursday, June 6, 2019

My favourite film or book?

Hi! Well, i don't actually have a favourite film or book, because i'm not quite fond of novels but comics or "mangas". But, even so, i really like any movies or books, like "Carrie" (the book written by Stephen King), "Just go with It" (a comedy film), Shark Tale (an animated movie), and others.

But I will go with "Carrie", the book written by Stephen King.
I've read this book when i was about 12 years old, and was my first Stephen King's book that i've read, and i liked it immediately. Well, is his only book that i read, but i like his way to describe the situation, the landscape and the characters of the book.

This book is about Carrie, who is a 16 years old teenager that have telekinetic powers, that is constantly bullied in the school. One day, after her gym class, she was in the shower with her female classmates, and her first period was come, and she sacred up. Her classmates started throwing tampons, and things like this. When she comes to her house, her mother (a fanatically religious) started to treat her like a sinner for her period, and start to pray for forgiveness.
I recommended this book only to people who don't care imagine things like blood, intrafamily abuse, or others. Even so, is a good book that shows how a shy girl can suffer her classmates abuse, and the consequences that can bring...or at least, that is what i understood from that book.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

My favourite piece of technology.

Hi again!
I had have so many pieces of technology in my life, from cell phones to computers. But my favourite piece of technology that i had, is my Nintendo DSi. I remember that my parents bought me one for the 2009´s christmas, and i still have it! But a few months ago that i don't use it.

This device was a portable videogame console, that belongs to the Japanese videogames
company, Nintendo.
I have some game cards with different games in them, and to play with it you have to turn off the device, put the game card inside the back slot and turn on again. Then, you choose the option that shows the jacket of the game and it will run.

I spend many hours playing with this every days, and i never got bored. After, i just use it once a month, and isn't because i got bored or something, is because i don't have the time to play with.

I love my Nintendo DSi, because it brought me a lot of fun when i was bored in my childhood and adolescence. I think that without this, i would never have known game characters like Sonic the Hedgehog, Mario, Yoshi (on the picture), Kirby, Zelda, Link, and others.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Why did i choose my career?

Hi! Many people asked me, inclusive my own family, why was i choose Chemistry and Pharmacy career. Well, it's some confusing to you, because i have too many dream jobs when i was a child.

Well, my mother works in the health area, so i have always been related with that. Also i have always love to animals, especially when i was about 10 years old, so i thought of become a veterinarian. However, that lasted two years later, when i started to read "manga" (japanese comics), and then i developed an interest in art, so i started to draw and paint. In that moment, i decided to study something like art (or maybe just paint pictures and sell them), but.....that just was a failed dream, because here, in Chile, i NEVER would have success being an artist.

During high school, i developed an interest for chemistry, because it was easier than another class to me, also because i was interested in works on laboratory or something like that. Then, i decided to become a pharmacist (or pharmaceutical chemist) when i discover that this career is related with chemistry and health.

Now, i'm in my second year of this career, and, it's harder than i thought. I've had many class that i didn't know why i had, that now i understood it's importance. I've learn too many things of chemistry that i never thought that i could understand, and this just make me love my career even more.

I've had three subjects that show us what we can do as a pharmacists, and i want work in the clinical pharmacy area, because i want to work in a hospital, but no as a doctor (medicine career never had my attention).

Thursday, April 4, 2019

Getting to know each other

Hi everyone!
Well, i think i will start with some information of me:

I'm the only daughter of my parents, but i have a very big family. My mother is from Santiago, and travelled from Santiago to Arica, for university studies, where she was met my father. My father is from Arica, and he was came at Santiago with her when she get her university title. Many years lather, i was born in Santiago. Actually, i'm 18, and in May i'll have 19 years. 
Here is the best actual photo of me, in Arica:

Here, in Santiago, i have five cousins, two aunts, and one uncle. But in Arica, i have three uncles and six aunts, and cousins are countless.
I studied in Santa MarĂ­a Reina college since 2005, obviously none of you never listen about it because is not a known college. And then, i'm in the university right now, in the Faculty of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences (Universidad de Chile), and this is my second year studying Chemistry and Pharmacy. 
When i'm not studying, i'm drawing something that can be a little draw, or a realistic one. Also when i'm in my free time, i play videogames or go out with my boyfriend, or with another friends.